Diary C-Litter

February 27th 2009

We are proud and happy to announce the birth of  11 Kirajani's. The 8 girls and 3 boys are all fit and healthy. They all have a ridge and only a little or no white. Also Mum Kira is feeling very well and is doing a great job nursing and taking care of her babies.

To see the puppy-pics please click on the days below.

Day 1       Day 2     Day 3     Day 4     Day 5     Day 6     Day 7     Day 8     Day 9     Day 10     Day 11    

Day 12     Day 13     Day 14     Day 15     Day 16     Day 17     Day 18      Day 19     Day 20     Day 21

Day 22 & 23     Day 24     Day 25     Day 26     Day 27      Day 28     Day 29      Day 30 & 31    Day 32

Day 33     Day 34     Day 35     Day 36    Day 37 & 38      Day 39     Day 40     Day 41     Day 42

Day 43     Day 44     Day 46       Day 47     Day 48      Day 49     Day 50     Day 51    Day 52   

Day 53 & 54      Day 55     Day 56     Day 57     Day 58     Day 59     Day 60     Day 61

February 24th 2009

Our puppyroom is equipped now with the whelpingbox and a place to sleep for the two-legged members of the pack. Kira is doing well and one can feel and see the movement of the puppies very clearly now. The little 'Kirajani's' seem to be very agile guys. We are really looking  forward to the moment were they will see the light of day for the first time.

The big waiting has begun....


February 16th  2009

At the 49th Day of Kira's pregnancy we have again taken a picture to report how everything is developing from the outside view. But the best News from today is that we could feel the movements of the puppies inside Kira's belly for the first time. That was a really great moment that caused again the question, how it is possibly looking inside Kira.

A very good imagination one can get watching the fascinating video of a dogfetus (Retriever) in the womb produced by National Geographics.

Here the link to this wonderful video:


In addition a further link (same webside) to the see the Time-Line of the development of a dogfetus in the womb.



February 8th 2009

Kira at her 41st Day of pregnancy. Even on this photo (not very professional photo; taken with a cell-phone) one can see that the baby-belly is growing.

According to the canine pregnancy calendar the development of the inner organs has been completed since a couple of days. The little 'Kirajani's' are looking like real dogs now. The head can be discriminated from the rest of the body and the gender can be determined. The color of the fur is developing and in the coming 7th week the bones will gain more strength.


We are exited as to when we can feel the first movements of the puppies and can hear their hearts beating by endoscope. As soon as this is the case, we will continue our report. :-)



February 2nd 2009

We went to the vets office just to buy the anthelmintic therapie for Kira ... but then our couriosity was so big that we decided to have one more ultrasound exam. And what we could see was great. The little 'Kirajani's' are very well and equally developed and we could see the little hearts beat.

That was a great experience for Jasmin, who could not attend the first ultrasound.

 January 29th 2009

The 5th week of Kira's pregnancy has begun and from now on we will report all news concerning the ongoing pregnancy, the birth and development of the Puppies on this site.

Kira is doing very well. Occasionally she was not very hungry but meanwhile she eats again. She still is enjoying our walks in the nature (as long as the weather is nice). But her favorite activity is lying on the dog bed with Dalila, waiting that the little 'Kirajani's' inside her are growing.


Kira at the beginning of 5th week of pregnancy. The belly already starts to grow.


Litter-Plans for March 2009

Kira im Januar 2003


Imara Jabali Donner



Ch. Ajani Z Piskovovych skal


The mating took place on December 30th/31st 2008. More under News.

To see the "wedding pics" please click here

                VDH 01/1092328
                red wheaten

               Height: 63cm
               complete Scissor bite
        HD-A1, OCD-free, ED = 0 (free)

gunshot proven
       has  passed german breeding test without limitations

more Information about Kira here

more Photos of Kira here

Pedigree C-Litter


               dark red wheaten

               Height: 67cm
             complete Scissor bite
        HD-A2, OCD-free, ED = 0 (free)

   gunshot proven
             has  passed german breeding      test without limitations

Ajani's Website

Photogallery Ajani